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BalanceWear is a clinically proven custom built, wearable shirt/vest that can be used to help patients with their balance and stability. In order to determine how the vest is to be used, a specific evaluation is performed to identify imbalances or directional instabilities about the trunk using perturbation testing. Perturbation testing are small pushes at the trunk which helps us assess anticipatory and reactive postural control mechanisms. These control mechanisms are crucial for balance and postural control. Targeted sensory inputs are then placed on the inside of the vest/ shirt based on the patient’s response to the perturbation testing. The patient is tested and retested to identify if a change in function or stability can be identified.

There has been extensive research showing the effectiveness of BalanceWear in the following patient populations:

  • Falls in the elderly
  • Multiple Sclerosis
  • Parkinson’s Disease
  • Cerebellar ataxia
  • Traumatic brain injury
  • Peripheral neuropathy
  • Concussion
  • Treatment of low back pain
  • Vestibular disorders
Most of the research on BalanceWear has assessed its effect on falls in the elderly and patients with MS.

Short-term and long-term studies in the elderly show positive effects of change comparing patients who use BalanceWear versus those who do not. Research showed the following changes in patients who used BalanceWear:

  • Statistically significant increase in gait speed
  • Statistically significant change found in the Short Physical Performance Battery
  • Statistically significant changes in the Functional Gait Assessment
  • Statistically significant changes in 2 measures indicative of falls reduction
    • Timed up and go
    • 5 times sit to stand

Although falls in the elderly are a major concern, BalanceWear can be used as an effective tool to help patients maintain independence and prevent falls. BalanceWear has also been shown to be an effective treatment modality in patients with MS.

Research using BalanceWear in patients with MS and Parkinson’s Disease has demonstrated:

  • Increased walking speed
  • Decreased postural sway
  • Improved balance/ reduction of falls
    • Sensory organization test
    • Dynamic gait
    • Timed up and Go

The evidence is clear that BalanceWear can and should play a significant role in the management of balance and gait dysfunction. Research shows that those who fall are likely to fall again. Body rebuilders is committed to trying to help patients with their balance before it becomes an issue. Feel free to visit us if you would like to feel how BalanceWear can help change your function.

Click here to hear about how BalanceWear has helped other patients!

Let's start rebuilding, with a trusted approach to treatment.